Monday, April 12, 2010


Most of you know I workout at Bayou City Crossfit with my friend Katherine and my trainer Katie. We have been working on strength conditioning and the kip pull up. Last Friday I met a specific goal I have been working on for about 6 months. Major progress, I was able to do 3 kipping pull ups in a row with out the assistance of a resistance band! That was such a victory for me, since I have struggled with upper body strength since my younger years working on project with my dad.

Wow.... it is amazing what sweat and tears will transform into.

A saying that is often said at Bayou City Crossfit which I totally identify with is.... Love/Hate Relationship and That was horrible, when can I come back for more.

A BIG thank you to Katie and Katherine, for encouraging when didn't think I could struggle through another round of pull ups.

P.S. Crossfit is having a self-defense class this Saturday for ladies. Let me know if you are interested in, I will be there.

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